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Songs to play on Instruments

 If you have a recorder, xylophone, piano, ukulele, guitar, toot/dood, Uncles's bag-pipes or any other pitched instrument, these songs should give you something to play. As a starting point, I've chosen songs we've used at school already. Please be in touch and let me know how it is going for you. The more I hear back from people, the more I can tailor the songs/resources to be helpful and fun. 
If you don't have an instrument, there are free piano apps that can be downloaded onto phones/tablets and work quite well!

Old Town Road on Recorder
This guy teaches recorder with a flair that I don't think I will ever have. It's hilarious, but also pretty clear about the important stuff.
Track down your recorder and have fun!



Helpful Tips 

Don't fear the piano!

keyboard labeled (2).jpg

Don't fear the notes!

labeled notes (3).jpg

Take little bites. Work on the songs in small chunks - 1 bar at a times.

Garfield eating (2).jpg

Simple songs

  • Labeled notation

  • Primary classes have used these songs with xylophones. Play them on any pitched instrument.

Mary had a little fish

Twinkle twinkle little car

Star Wars Theme

BAG Tunes

  • Unlabeled notation, uses only B-A-G notes

  • Intermediate have used these with recorders &                toots/doods. Play them on any pitched instrument.

BAG Tunes

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